How to Access Offline Folders with the Synology Drive Mobile App

WorkingExamples:ProvidesFileStationoperationsasexamples.AllqueryexamplesarebasedonDSM7.0version.APIWorkflow.Thefollowing ...,Chapter3:BaseAPIandChapter4:FileStationAPIlistall...GET/webapi/entry.cgi?api=SYNO.FileStation.Thumb&version=2&method=get&...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[PDF] DSM Login Web API Guide

Working Examples: Provides File Station operations as examples. All query examples are based on DSM 7.0 version. API Workflow. The following ...

[PDF] Synology File Station Official API

Chapter 3: Base API and Chapter 4: File Station API list all ... GET /webapi/entry.cgi?api=SYNO.FileStation.Thumb&version=2&method=get&path ...

Synology 知识中心

Dec 31, 2021 - 此指南提供有关以下方面的详细信息:如何使用Web API 访问DiskStation 上Surveillance Station 的实时图像,以及如何激活录制功能并将此功能嵌入到您自己的 ...


- 此份指南不但可幫助你輕鬆透過Web API 取得DiskStation 上的即時影像、開啟錄影功能,更可嵌入你所開發的套件或網頁,讓你直接操作該影像裝置。

DSM Login Web API Guide - Knowledge Center

Your application needs to log in with an account and password first. The login process is making a request to SYNO.API.Auth API with the login method.

Synology FileStation API

I am trying to synology api to download a file, it seems that the API documentation is outdated, I successfuly login and logut using the API.

Synology File Station API GET request syntax explained

I am working on an application using the Synology File Station API with python but I am having a bit of trouble understanding the get request syntax.

《Synology File Station Official API》第二章-入门

首先,您的应用程序需要从目标DiskStation 检索API 信息,以了解哪些API 可在目标DiskStation 上使用。可以通过/webapi/query.cgi 使用SYNO.API.Info API ...


Surveillance Station Web API 文件網站. 這個互動式平台提供全方位Web API 資訊,讓第三方系統可以順暢無礙地整合到Surveillance Station。 註冊. Download Station 開發 ...


WorkingExamples:ProvidesFileStationoperationsasexamples.AllqueryexamplesarebasedonDSM7.0version.APIWorkflow.Thefollowing ...,Chapter3:BaseAPIandChapter4:FileStationAPIlistall...GET/webapi/entry.cgi?api=SYNO.FileStation.Thumb&version=2&method=get&path ...,Dec31,2021-此指南提供有关以下方面的详细信息:如何使用WebAPI访问DiskStation上SurveillanceStation的实时图像,以及如何激活录制功能并...
